Guests have been pouring in to see towering dinosaur enclosures, prehistoric attractions, and more at your zoo. Now you can enjoy a brand new way to play Mesozooic with the Jurassic Mini Expansion. Corporate has stepped in with instructions for what they think is best for your zoo. As franchise owners of Mesozoo Inc., you’ll want to work together to take your zoo to the next level and fulfill Corporate’s mandates. Then make your zoo even more entertaining by hiring costume mascots!
In the Jurassic Mini Expansion you can play a competitive or cooperative variant to keep Corporate happy. When playing cooperatively, you’ll shuffle the 16 mandate cards with the cooperative icon in the bottom-left corner to create the mandate deck from Corporate. Corporate may ask you to make sure your zoo contains at least 3 continuous monorail connections, or have at least 1 enclosure, 1 monorail connection, and 1 scoring attraction, for example.
You’ll play three rounds of Mesozooic like normal, but your goal each round is to work together and collectively meet or exceed the score shown on the level card. As long as at least one player meets the requirements for the mandate, the card will be discarded. For each incomplete mandate, 10 points will be subtracted from the round’s score. If the final total is lower than the value on the level you chose, players will immediately lose. So make sure to divide and conquer as you work together to keep Corporate happy!
In the competitive variant, three mandates will be available each round to all players. Each player will score 3 extra points for each mandate they complete.
In the Jurassic Mini Expansion there are 8 mascot cards. There are mascots for the enclosures, attractions and trucks, monorails, topiaries, and advanced cards.
At the start of each round, shuffle the mascot cards facedown. Then take mascots equal to the number of players and place them faceup in the middle of the table. Flip the timer and begin sliding cards like normal to create your zoo. At any time after the timer is flipped, when you don’t want to slide any more cards, you can take one available mascot. You can only take one mascot per round and once you hire a mascot you can’t slide any more cards. So choose carefully!
Mascots are placed at the intersection of four cards in your zoo. For each card the mascot overlaps that shows the matching feature, score 1 point.
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